Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment is one of the most advancing Branch of Endodontics.
Previously, it was considered to be painful after obturation specially in non-vital teeth.
But now, with revolutionary changes in concepts, it is considered as a routine & painless procedure
even in non-vital teeth cases. Rather statistics reveals that single visit endo procedure causes pain less frequently than
multiple visit endo procedure.
Canal Disinfection by Intra Canal
Medicament is also now a days considered as least useful. Instead immediate sealing of main root canal, lateral accessory
canals & dentinal tubules by 3 dimensional obturation gives prompt healing. Also bacteria in dentinal tubules get killed
due to deprivation of nutrition.
Another main issue is the time! Critics claim that Single sitting RCT requires a lot of time. This
claim also failed due to advancement of NiTi Rotary files i.e. Rotary Endodontics. So an average time required for Single
Sitting RCT is 45mins to 60mins (for access opening to obturation).
These things made this procedure now days very popular among Dental Surgeons as well as patients